InterActions is an open access journal hosted by the eScholarship initiative of the California Digital Library, edited and managed by graduate students, and published twice yearly with funding provided by the UCLA Graduate Students Association and the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies (GSE&IS). Founded in 2004 by doctoral students from the UCLA GSE&IS, InterActions is a peer-reviewed, open access journal committed to the promotion of interdisciplinary and inclusive scholarship. The journal brings together senior and emerging scholars, activists, educators, and professionals whose work covers a broad range of theory and practice. Our publication’s authors foster an open and critical dialogue with readers and colleagues through applying diverse social justice frameworks to the discussion of pressing issues in the fields of education and information.
Critical Perspectives
Education and information literacy are enduring considerations in the construction of a just and equitable society. We believe that critical thinking is an everyday practice that necessitates both challenging traditional approaches and suggesting new directions for researching the purposes, practices, and organization of education and information. InterActions offers analytical and decisive contributions by providing critical commentary on current issues and promoting perspectives that include how education and information systems can be sites for social change. Specifically, InterActions critiques the inequities and dominant norms within societies, libraries, archives, education systems, and academia, which perpetuate the marginalization of populations and the exclusion of their knowledge while maintaining unjust policies and systems.
InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies retains the non-exclusive right to make content available in any format in perpetuity, our online journal is hosted by eScholarship and presented here on our website.